Voor wie is de MS-040 Manage SharePoint and OneDrive in Microsoft 365 geschikt?

Deze training is bedoeld voor beheerders die verantwoordelijk zijn voor Sharepoint Sites en Onedrive.

Wat kan ik na de MS-040 training?

In deze training leer je het plannen, configureren en beheren van Sharepoint Sites en Onedrive.
Aan bod komen onder andere:

    • Moderne SharePoint Site structuur op basis van Hub sites
    • Best practices voor de uitrol en adoptie van OneDrive
    • Delen, beveiliging en monitoring in Microsoft 365
    • Beheren van User Profiles en Apps
    • Metadata, Search en Business Connectivity Services

Benodigde voorkennis

  • kennis van (Azure) Active Directory
  • kennis van Microsoft / Office 365 diensten en inrichting.
  • kennis van Powershell

Dit is één van onze Microsoft 365 trainingen. Ben jij klaar om je te specialiseren als Office 365 specialist? Schrijf je in voor het Microsoft examen en behaal de training!

Plan and Configure SharePoint Sites
This module is all about planning, configuring, and managing SharePoint sites. It discusses how SharePoint administrators use SharePoint Admin Center to manage the lifecycle of SharePoint sites in your organization.

    • Overview of SharePoint in Microsoft 365
    • Configure SharePoint sites
    • Manage SharePoint sites

Configure and Manage OneDrive
This module explains how to plan the deployment of OneDrive It discusses different approaches to deploy OneDrive based on different scenarios. It also introduces the capabilities to manage content in OneDrive.

    • Overview of OneDrive in Microsoft 365
    • Deploy OneDrive
    • Manage OneDrive

Sharing and Security in SharePoint and OneDrive
This module is focused on sharing, security, and monitoring in Microsoft SharePoint and OneDrive. Specifically, we discuss planning and managing external sharing as well as access control in SharePoint and OneDrive. It also discusses how to use Microsoft 365 Admin Center to monitor the activities in Microsoft SharePoint and OneDrive.

    • Manage SharePoint site permissions
    • Manage sharing in SharePoint and OneDrive
    • Manage security in SharePoint and OneDrive

Manage User Profiles and Apps
This module is about user profile and customization in Microsoft SharePoint. It discusses manage User Profiles in Microsoft SharePoint. It also describes how to use the App Catalog to make custom business apps available for your SharePoint in Microsoft 365.

    • Manage User Profiles
    • Manage apps

Plan and Configure Managed Metadata and Business Connectivity Services
This module is about the Managed Metadata and Business Connectivity Services. It introduces the concepts of managed metadata as well as the process to import term sets. It also describes how to manage Business Connectivity Services and create an external list.

    • Plan and configure Managed Metadata
    • Plan and configure Business Connectivity Services

Plan and Configure Search
This module is about SharePoint search service. It provides details on planning and configuring SharePoint search, including the difference between the classic and modern search experience. It also discusses how to customize search experience with different settings.

    • Plan search
    • Configure search

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